Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Mother Nature's Rig

Rig with controllers complete. The rig includes an Fk/Ik switcher for the arms, weight centering for root, reverse foot rig, and set driven keys for back, neck, finger controllers.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Wood Relief

The book ends of the animation will be done in a flat wood reliefs, encircled by wooden rings.

Growing Roots

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Monday, May 12, 2008

Second Test for Spiral Sandstorm

Ok, this time the texture is also animated, spiraling inward.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Monday, April 7, 2008

This Quarter's Master Plan

Alrighty, this is my plan for the quarter. The plan may be a little much, due to the other four classes begging for attention but Id rather over shoot on my goals than short change myself. At the beginning of next quarter I should be ready to animate. The nice long break in-between the quarters will also be used to catch up with anything not achieved this quarter.

Week 1- Finish 1st draft of storyboards and rough in an initial animatic
- Begin modeling main character, Young Mother Nature

Week 2 - Refine storyboards and animatic
- Finished modeling character
- Define effects techniques for “steam”, “sandstorm”, “mudslide”
- Define secondary animations for “hair” and “roots”

Week 3- Storyboards finished
- Fine tune animatic, adding color(?)
- Character ready for Zbrush

Week 4- Preparing Backgrounds for laying UVs
- Painting, Young Mother Nature
- Modeling and testing secondary animation, hair and roots

Week 5- Finish modeling main scene,
- Touchup character painting,
- Complete animatic

Week 6- Meeting with the Board, revisions necessary
- Complete texturing of main scene
- Implement lighting
- Begin character rigging

Week 7- Backgrounds and props modeled and textured
- Optimizing scene for rendering
- One effect completed

Week 8- Finish character rig with controls
-Second effect completed
- Implement cameras

Week 9- Retouch lighting
- Third effect completed
- Secondary scenes modeled

Week 10 & 11- Completed character ready for animation
- Main scene completed, ready for rendering
- Secondary scenes textured, just needing fine tuned
- Effects completed